Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Reading Notes: Brothers Grimm (Crane), Part B

Snow White and Dwarfs by MediumHero6
So many stories include some sort of deal with forced marriage. I’m not fond of those stories… why can’t they just magically fall in love upon meeting somewhere instead of it being a deal breaker. The new wife hates her husband’s former children and turned them into swans out of jealousy. She was a nut job.

This next story is about a girl being too good for anyone. She was too picky. Her father made her marry a ballad-singer, and she was horrified. If she wasn’t satisfied why didn’t she just refuse? Unhappy marriages seem to be the common thread here.

There aren’t really names of characters so far.

Growing up, I was not fond of the story of Snow-White. I was forced to take hand me downs from my cousins and dressed like her for Halloween one year. Eh, let’s just say I was not a happy trick or treater. I forgot a lot of the story, so it’s nice to read this again. The dwarfs and their personalities are my favorite part. The queen has such terrible intentions.

Bibliography: Brothers Grimm (Crane) by Lucy and Walter Crane

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