Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Reading Notes: Europa's Fairy Book, Part B

Mountains by Pexels
This hunter easily sounds like a serial killer and not an animal killer. There’s a trend with cloaks changing people into something else, or just something with robes in general. The women always seem to be beautiful and radiate. The mountains have unique names. Crystal Mountain. Mountain moors.

There was a lion. The way he moved is explained in great details. Androcles is a slave. The slave was set free. The lion was set free.

I assumed a weary tramp was a girl. But it is a man from Paris. The lady is a bit confused. There is a lot of conversations back and forth. A robber broke in. There was a quarrel. They thought the sky was falling.

I like the title of this one. Inside Again. Why did the man life up the stone. Why would he check for a black snake. He’s a hungry snake. They are in a pickle on if the man deserves to be eaten or not for saving his life. They bargain the whole time.

There was once a poor farmer and his family. He let his sons starve in the forest. They found a place covered in candy. The old lady is sketchy. She welcomed these boys into her home and fattened them up. The lady drank all of a stream and burst, I thought she tried to eat them.

This woman wants a baby boy. Her beans turned into babies, and only one survived. He was tiny. A robber came into the home.

Bibliography: Europa’s Fairy Book by Joseph Jacobs

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